Category: Publications

  • A plasmid-based reporter system for live cell imaging of dengue virus infected cells

    Medin CL, Valois S, Patkar CG, Rothman AL

    J. Virol. Methods 2015 Jan;211:55-62

    PMID: 25445884


    Cell culture models are used widely to study the effects of dengue virus (DENV) on host cell function. Current methods of identification of cells infected with an unmodified DENV requires fixation and permeablization of cells to allow DENV-specific antibody staining. This method does not permit imaging of viable cells over time. In this report, a plasmid-based reporter was developed to allow non-destructive identification of DENV-infected cells. The plasmid-based reporter was demonstrated to be broadly applicable to the four DENV serotypes, including low-passaged strains, and was specifically cleaved by the viral protease with minimal interference on viral production. This study reveals the potential for this novel reporter system to advance the studies of virus-host interactions during DENV infection.

  • Immunopathogenesis Versus Protection in Dengue Virus Infections

    Rothman AL, Medin CL, Friberg H, Currier JR

    Curr Trop Med Rep 2014 Mar;1(1):13-20

    PMID: 24883262


    Dengue viruses (DENV) are mosquito-borne viruses that cause significant morbidity. The existence of four serotypes of DENV with partial immunologic cross-reactivity creates the opportunity for individuals to experience multiple acute DENV infections over the course of their lifetimes. Research over the past several years has revealed complex interactions between DENV and the human innate and adaptive immune systems that can have either beneficial or detrimental influences on the outcome of infection. Further studies that seek to distinguish protective from pathological immune responses in the context of natural DENV infection as well as clinical trials of candidate DENV vaccines have an important place in efforts to control the global impact of this re-emerging viral disease.

  • Dengue virus neutralizing antibody levels associated with protection from infection in thai cluster studies

    Buddhari D, Aldstadt J, Endy TP, Srikiatkhachorn A, Thaisomboonsuk B, Klungthong C, Nisalak A, Khuntirat B, Jarman RG, Fernandez S, Thomas SJ, Scott TW, Rothman AL, Yoon IK

    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2014 Oct;8(10):e3230

    PMID: 25329173


    BACKGROUND: Long-term homologous and temporary heterologous protection from dengue virus (DENV) infection may be mediated by neutralizing antibodies. However, neutralizing antibody titers (NTs) have not been clearly associated with protection from infection.

    METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Data from two geographic cluster studies conducted in Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand were used for this analysis. In the first study (2004-2007), cluster investigations of 100-meter radius were triggered by DENV-infected index cases from a concurrent prospective cohort. Subjects between 6 months and 15 years old were evaluated for DENV infection at days 0 and 15 by DENV PCR and IgM ELISA. In the second study (2009-2012), clusters of 200-meter radius were triggered by DENV-infected index cases admitted to the provincial hospital. Subjects of any age ≥6 months were evaluated for DENV infection at days 0 and 14. In both studies, subjects who were DENV PCR positive at day 14/15 were considered to have been “susceptible” on day 0. Comparison subjects from houses in which someone had documented DENV infection, but the subject remained DENV negative at days 0 and 14/15, were considered “non-susceptible.” Day 0 samples were presumed to be from just before virus exposure, and underwent plaque reduction neutralization testing (PRNT). Seventeen “susceptible” (six DENV-1, five DENV-2, and six DENV-4), and 32 “non-susceptible” (13 exposed to DENV-1, 10 DENV-2, and 9 DENV-4) subjects were evaluated. Comparing subjects exposed to the same serotype, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves identified homotypic PRNT titers of 11, 323 and 16 for DENV-1, -2 and -4, respectively, to differentiate “susceptible” from “non-susceptible” subjects.

    CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: PRNT titers were associated with protection from infection by DENV-1, -2 and -4. Protective NTs appeared to be serotype-dependent and may be higher for DENV-2 than other serotypes. These findings are relevant for both dengue epidemiology studies and vaccine development efforts.

  • The spatial dynamics of dengue virus in kamphaeng phet, Thailand

    Bhoomiboonchoo P, Gibbons RV, Huang A, Yoon IK, Buddhari D, Nisalak A, Chansatiporn N, Thipayamongkolgul M, Kalanarooj S, Endy T, Rothman AL, Srikiatkhachorn A, Green S, Mammen MP, Cummings DA, Salje H

    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2014 Sep;8(9):e3138

    PMID: 25211127


    BACKGROUND: Dengue is endemic to the rural province of Kamphaeng Phet, Northern Thailand. A decade of prospective cohort studies has provided important insights into the dengue viruses and their generated disease. However, as elsewhere, spatial dynamics of the pathogen remain poorly understood. In particular, the spatial scale of transmission and the scale of clustering are poorly characterized. This information is critical for effective deployment of spatially targeted interventions and for understanding the mechanisms that drive the dispersal of the virus.

    METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We geocoded the home locations of 4,768 confirmed dengue cases admitted to the main hospital in Kamphaeng Phet province between 1994 and 2008. We used the phi clustering statistic to characterize short-term spatial dependence between cases. Further, to see if clustering of cases led to similar temporal patterns of disease across villages, we calculated the correlation in the long-term epidemic curves between communities. We found that cases were 2.9 times (95% confidence interval 2.7-3.2) more likely to live in the same village and be infected within the same month than expected given the underlying spatial and temporal distribution of cases. This fell to 1.4 times (1.2-1.7) for individuals living in villages 1 km apart. Significant clustering was observed up to 5 km. We found a steadily decreasing trend in the correlation in epidemics curves by distance: communities separated by up to 5 km had a mean correlation of 0.28 falling to 0.16 for communities separated between 20 km and 25 km. A potential explanation for these patterns is a role for human movement in spreading the pathogen between communities. Gravity style models, which attempt to capture population movement, outperformed competing models in describing the observed correlations.

    CONCLUSIONS: There exists significant short-term clustering of cases within individual villages. Effective spatially and temporally targeted interventions deployed within villages may target ongoing transmission and reduce infection risk.

  • Relationship of Preexisting Influenza Hemagglutination Inhibition, Complement-Dependent Lytic, and Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity Antibodies to the Development of Clinical Illness in a Prospective Study of A(H1N1)pdm09 Influenza in Children

    Co MD, Terajima M, Thomas SJ, Jarman RG, Rungrojcharoenkit K, Fernandez S, Yoon IK, Buddhari D, Cruz J, Ennis FA

    Viral Immunol. 2014 Oct;27(8):375-82

    PMID: 25141276


    Abstract The hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) antibody titer is considered the primary immune correlate of protection for influenza. However, recent studies have highlighted the limitations on the use of the HAI titer as a correlate in at-risk populations such as children and older adults. In addition to the neutralization of cell-free virus by antibodies to hemagglutinin and interference of virus release from infected cells by antibodies to neuraminidase, influenza virus-specific antibodies specifically can bind to infected cells and lyse virus-infected cells through the activation of complement or natural killer (NK) cells, via antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) or complement-dependent lysis (CDL). We evaluated preexisting HAI, CDL, and ADCC antibodies in young children enrolled in a prospective cohort study of dengue during the epidemic with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus to determine associations between preexisting antibodies and the occurrence of clinical or subclinical influenza virus infection. Though both preexisting HAI and CDL antibodies were associated with protection against clinical influenza, our data suggested that CDL was not a better correlate than HAI. We found that ADCC antibodies behaved differently from HAI and CDL antibodies. Unlike HAI and CDL antibodies, preexisting ADCC antibodies did not correlate with protection against clinical influenza. In fact, ADCC antibodies were detected more frequently in the clinical influenza group than the subclinical group. In addition, in contrast to HAI and CDL antibodies, HAI and the ADCC antibodies titers did not correlate. We also found that ADCC, but not CDL or HAI antibodies, positively correlated with the ages of the children.